"A Forensic Way of the Cross"
Frederick T. Zugibe, M.D.,
Ph.D. Chief Medical Examiner Rockland County, N.Y. and Adjunct
Associate Professor of Pathology Columbia University College of Physician's and
Surgeons, N.Y.
Crucifixion was an
ignominious, barbaric form of capital punishment that was practiced up to the
fourth century by the Romans, Phoenicians, Persians, Seleucids, Egyptians,
Greeks, Carthaginians and Jews when it was abolished by Emperor Constantine.
Cicero referred to it as Crudelissimum eterrimunque supplicum, the
most cruel and atrocious of punishments". There, however, appeared
to be a resurgence of crucifixion of Christians by Arabs in the seventh
century during the Arabic-Christian conflicts. Isolated cases are still reported
today in Africa and the Philippines. It is believed that the Romans
learned the technique from the Carthaginians, who were known for their methods
of torture which also included impaling, burning in oil, drowning and beating.
In general crucifixion was reserved for slaves, hardened criminals,
political agitators, religious agitators, pirates and those committing high
treason. Roman citizens were essentially excluded from being crucified
except for high treason or serious crimes against the state and served as a
highly successful deterrent against these crimes. Roman Crucifixions were
carried out by specialized teams of five experienced men; the exactor mortis,
a centurion who was in charge and four soldiers , the quaternio.[1]
scientific discipline that deals with the mechanism and cause of death in
violent deaths such as crucifixion resides in the medical specialty of
forensic pathology which requires many years of specialized education,
training and experience for board certification. The forensic pathologist is a
medical sleuth,
an expert in reconstruction whose court testimony must possess a high
degree of medical certainty because a defendant's future or even his
life may depend on it.
Unfortunately, the medical
aspects of the Shroud-crucifixion literature is filled with a farrago of
articles by unqualified individuals including surgeons, radiologists, general
practitioners, psychiatrists, scientists and scholars in other areas of
expertise, laymen, etc. whose conclusions were based on anecdotal,
a priori speculations. Barbet,[2],
however, did make an attempt to support some of his hypotheses with experimental
data but made a series of serious anatomical errors and suppositions which
unfortunately have been propagated ad infinitum in magazines,
journals, books, television documentaries, etc. as definitive facts
without any attempt by anyone to verify his conclusions. Kraemer
poignantly points out, " When those without adequate training in a particular
field are permitted to influence progress in a particular field (even those with
excellent training in another field ), the problem is not merely that they are
likely to produce lies, but that their lies may impede others' search for truth
in that field. It is vital to medical research that amateur science be
discouraged, that appropriate professional training or oversight in each
field be required before proposals are approved or papers accepted for
Let us embark on a forensic
journey from Gethsemane to Calvary, in a sense a forensic way of the Cross
in order to gain a more precise understanding of the effects of
crucifixion and its manifestations on the Shroud. In this
regard, it is important that we examine each phase of the journey including the
hematidrosis, the scourging, the crowning with thorns, the fixation to the
cross, the suspension on the cross and the mechanism and cause of death. It is
the sum of all the this information that affords us the way to reconstruct the
various findings on the Shroud with the mechanisms encountered in crucifixion.
The scriptural account of the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane by St. Luke "
My soul is very sorrowful even unto death, remain here and watch" (Mark 14:
34) and in. "After a period of utter exhaustion and repeated praying,
he looked up to heaven and said "'Father, if thou art willing,
remove this cup from me: nevertheless, not my will but yours be done. "And there
appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him, and being in agony, he
prayed the more earnestly and his sweat became like great drops of blood failing
down upon the ground. "(Luke 22 :42‑44).. The most logical
explanation of this phenomenon is as follows. The severe mental anxiety due to a
profound fear of His prescient sufferings activated the sympathetic nervous
system to invoke the stress-fight or flight reaction to such a degree causing
hemorrhage of the vessels supplying the sweat glands into the ducts of the
sweat glands and extruding out onto the skin. While hematidrosis has been
reported to occur from other rare medical entities, the presence of
profound fear accounted for a significant number of reported cases including six
cases in men condemned to execution, a case occurring during the London blitz,
a case involving a fear of being raped, a fear of a storm while sailing etc.[5],
The hematidrosis is a reflection of the severity of Jesus' mental
suffering. The effects on the body is that of weakness and mild to
moderate dehydration from the severe anxiety and both the blood and sweat loss.
was a brutal episode. The effects of the scourging appear very vivid on the
Shroud showing dumbbell-type injuries, obviously caused by the flagrum
which contains leather thongs with bits of metal or bone at the ends. The
crucarius was tied by the hands to a fixed object like a pillar, bent over
and lashed. The weight of the metal or bony objects would also carry them to the
front of the body as well as the back and arms. The brutality of scourging can
not be overestimated because these objects would penetrate the skin creating
small lacerations (tears), contusions or welts. It is interesting that
there are over a hundred lashes counted on the Shroud. Does this estimate
conflict with the Deuteronomy dictate (25:3) not to exceed 40 lashes? The
answer is simple. The flagrum consists of at least three thongs, each lash would
cause three lash marks and 40 lashes times 3 would equal 120. These
markings on the Shroud would be neither evidence of a bruise or welt as
contended by some but instead they appear to be impressions of small
breaks in the skin resulting in "patterned injuries" like we regularly see in
the practice of forensic pathology as different instruments cause different
patterns. These patterns on the Shroud are a result of impressions made by the
blood present within the breaks in the skin. Such injuries are only seen at
autopsy after gently washing the wounds otherwise there would be blood all over
the body from these wounds obscuring the patterned impressions. . When the body
is initially washed , a fine oozing of blood within the wounds would make the
impressions. When the body is initially washed , a fine oozing of blood within
the wounds would make the impressions. Ultraviolet photos taken of the
back image even show numerous fine scratches that would not be seen
if the blood had not been washed from the body. This mechanism was easily
demonstrated by briefly washing the wounds containing dried or clotted blood of
victims of traffic accidents.[7]
The victim would fall to his
knees with each lash, writhing in agony, getting up each time until he
could no longer lift himself up. There would be convulsive activity,
tremors, vomiting, and marked thirst. Episodes of fainting would be
associated with this type of flogging. The pain is so severe that many have
pleaded for mercy and crying would be common. Periods of severe sweating would
occur, intermittently. The severe pain associated with injuries of this
degree would be a harbinger of traumatic shock soon to ensue and the fluid
loss from excessive sweating coupled with the vomiting and sweating added to the
blood loss and sweating from and the hematidrosis would cause an early stage of
hypovolemia. The severe beating of the chest wall transmits to the lungs and
promotes the gradual development of fluid around the lungs (pleural effusion),
generally a few hours following the injuries.
CROWNING OF THORNS was not only a parody of Jesus' kingship but was
another physical torture inflicted on Jesus. The tortuous flows on the forehead
and the significant amount of blood on the head region had to have been the
result of penetration of the skin by sharp thorns from a plant like those of
Ziziphus spina christi (Syrian Christ thorn) or Zizyphus paliuris
christi (Christ's thorn) both of the Buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae). In the
opinion of leading botanists of the plants of the holy land like Evanari,[8]
Tristram, Warburger, Moldenke[11],
and even the great Linnaeus[13]
were of the opinion that one or the other of the Ziziphus species were the most
likely candidates. None of them even considered Gundelia tournefortii which has
recently been implicated. Whether this plant is capable of penetrating the skin
and inducing sufficient bleeding must be tested. From a forensic point of
view, Ziziphus spina christi (Syrian Christ thorn) or Zizyphus
paliuris christi (Christ's thorn) would cause puncture-type wounds with
significant bleeding when struck with the reed ("..and took the reed and
struck him on the head" Mt.27:30) accounting for the blood flows and
accumulations of blood in the head region of the Shroud.
It is of interest that the
thorny acacia (Acacia niltotica) that grows profusely around the hills of
Jerusalem has recently emerged as a contender. A crown of thorns made from
this plant was unearthed in a sarcophagus dating to 1189 A.D. which also
contained the remains of a mummified "knight of the temple" with a bashed
skull and an inscription saying "this man saved the crown of thorns from the
hands of the infidel". The physical effects of the crowning with thorns using a
thorn plant like Zizyphus paluris christi as an example with its sharp, closely
spaced thorns would most likely cause trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux) due
to irritation of the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve (fifth nerve) and
branches of the greater occipital nerves which supply sensory innervation to the
front and back of the head region, respectively. This is characterized by
severe, lancinating , paroxysmal, electric shock-like pains across the
face lasting from seconds to minutes with intermittent refractory periods.
Trigger zones are common in various areas of the face which trigger episodes of
shooting pains across the head region if touched and is difficult to treat
medically. Severe cases may not respond to medical treatment with drugs such as
carbamazepine requiring nerve blocks or ablation surgery. The severe pain would
be added to the depth of imminent traumatic shock now developing from the
The most direct way from the Antonia to Calvary
was about a half
mile. It was an unpaved, bumpy road and it has been estimated that Jesus carried
a 50 to 75 pound patibulum (cross piece) at least part of way. Carrying
the patibulum, he would fall down and get back up on his feet, only to fall
again and get back up again. When one analyzes the physical condition that Jesus
was in at this stage from a medical and physiological point of view, and noting
that he would have to carry the patibulum weighing at least 50 pounds for a
distance of almost a half mile from Antonio to Calvary by the most direct way,
it would be doubtful if He could successfully complete that distance in the
condition that he was in. But what is most interesting is that scriptures comes
to the rescue and informs us that they delegated the job to Simon the Cyrenian
to carry it the rest of the way allegedly because they doubted whether he
could make it and they obviously wanted him crucified. At this stage he
would be light headed, drenched in sweat and manifest postural instability.
Upon Jesus' arrival at
Calvary, He exhibits a pale, mask-like appearance, is extremely weak, has severe
thirst and his whole body is wracked with pain. He is in an early
stage of traumatic and hypovolemic shock. After casting lots for his garments,
they would have forced Him to the ground on his back, the patibulum placed
just under his shoulders and upper back and members of the quaternio laying on
top of him to hold him down and stretching out His arms on the patibulum while
they drove iron spikes through His hands into the patibulum. This maneuver
in holding Him down would cause almost unbearable pains in His chest because of
the trauma from the scourging. It is well known in emergency medicine that
trauma to the chest causes severe pain with the slightest pressure on the chest
wall and with breathing.
Nailing the Hands:
There has been much controversy as to where the nails pierced the hands. When
Barbet 2, 3 passed nails through the middle of the palms of a freshly
amputated arm and found that they tore through the skin between the fingers at a
pull of about 88 pounds, he collated this with mathematical calculations which
revealed that if the body is suspended with the arms at an angle of about 65
degrees with the upright there is a pull on each hand greater than the entire
weight of the body. He then noted that the image of the hand wound on the Shroud
was located at the back of the hand where the wrist joins the hand. Following
some experimentation, he reported that “...... one finds that in the middle of
the bones of the wrists there is a free space bounded by the CAPITATE,
the SEMILUNAR, the TRIQUETRAL and the HAMATE bones. We know
this space so well that we know in accordance with DESTOT'S work.."
2, 3.
Having M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
in human anatomy, I immediately, realized that Barbet made a
very serious error because the space bounded by these four bones are located on
the little finger (ulnar) side of the wrist not on the thumb (radial) side as is
depicted on the Shroud! This is confirmed in Barbet's 1937 book,
Les Cinq Plaies du Christ2 where he includes a
diagram of Destot's space which shows that this space is in fact on the u1nar
(little finger) side of the wrist and not on the radial (thumb) side of
the wrist where the wound image is depicted on the Shroud. This is also
confirmed by any text on human anatomy. In the same book there is a
photograph of a cadaver that Barbet nailed to a cross which also shows that the
nails are indeed nailed through the small finger (ulnar) side of the wrist and
not on the thumb (radial) side and in addition, shows a crucifix with the
nails placed on the ulnar side of the wrist made by Villandre, the master
sculptor, and acknowledged by Barbet that it was made according to the "precise
information I had given him." It is interesting that neither the diagram
nor the suspended cadaver are included in his later book, A Doctor at
Calvary.3 Barbet made another serious anatomical error
when he said that anywhere from 1/2 to 2/3 of the trunk of the median nerve
was severed when he drove the nail through Destot's Space. This is not
anatomically possible because the median nerve is not present in the area of
Destot's Space but instead runs along the wrist on the thumb (radial)
side of the wrist and along the thenar furrow into the palm of the hand.
An easy way to locate the median nerve on your own wrist is to bend your wrist
forward. You will see a firm, rope-like structure jutting
outward. This is the palmaris longus tendon. The median nerve always runs
along the thumb side of this tendon. Barbet was obviously damaging the
u1nar nerve which runs in the area of Destot's space.
It is important to remember
that the hand wound image is located on the back of the left hand, and only
depicts the exit of the nail not its entrance.
Moreover, The right hand
wound image cannot be seen. We don't specifically know where the nail entered
the left hand and we don't know if the nail entered or exited at a different
place on the right hand.
The question that we are then
confronted with is where would the wound have to be made to be consistent with
the Shroud? We do know that the nail did not pierce the middle of the
palm of the left hand because it would not exit at the site of the wound image
where the Shroud shows it but we don't know if it pierced the middle of the palm
of the right hand.
It is also very important to
note that Barbet's experiment with the amputated arms along with the
mathematical calculations that Barbet based it on, namely the weight of
the body divided by twice the cosine of the angle is, however, not
applicable here because both are based on free hanging of the body without foot
In this regard, during our suspension experiments discussed later, the pain in
the arms and shoulders were severe when the feet were not secured with the seat
belt but completely bearable when the feet were secured. . During
suspension a large percentage of the weight is borne by the feet and legs,
however when they were allowed to slump, they did not note much of an increased
pull on arms and shoulders. This seems to indicate that when the
crucarius dies, only a small amount of additional weight is exerted on the
hands. During suspension a significant percentage of the
weight is exerted in the area of the knee. When the crucarius dies,
some additional weight is exerted on the hands due to slumping down. In
this regard, two certified mechanical engineers and I are currently in the
process of setting up the cross to measure the various forces exerted on the
hands and other parts of the body in various positions using strain gauges and
other equipment.
The nailing was also, not
between the distal radial and ulnar bones because it wouldn't exit where the
Shroud depicts it. There are only two other possibilities that would satisfy the
criteria of emerging where the Shroud depicts it and at the same time passing
through a sturdy area. The nail could pass through the radial (thumb) side
of the wrist through a space created by four other carpal bones; the
navicular, lunate, greater multangular and capitate bones,
emerging in the area where the Shroud depicts it. This area is equally as sturdy
as the path through Destot's Space but would in fact injure the median
nerve. The other possibility which is more in accord with the perception
of the location that most Christians across the centuries perceived the wound to
be. This is in an area in the palm that we coined the Z area.
The nail would enter through a deep furrow called the thenar furrow,
seen at the base of the bulky prominence extending from the base of the thumb.
This area is located as follows; touch your thumb to the tip of your
little finger. If a nail is driven into this furrow in the upper
part of the palm, a few centimeters from where the furrow begins at the wrist,
with the point of the nail angled at ten to fifteen degrees toward the wrist and
slightly toward the thumb, there is a natural inclination of the nail to an area
created by the metacarpal bone of the index finger and the
capitate and lesser multangular bones of the wrist (
the "Z" area ). The trunk of the median nerve would be
injured by this path. Although, I demonstrated this path in the anatomy
dissection lab in the early fifties, it wasn't until several years ago that this
path was confirmed to me in a very dramatic way at the Rockland County Medical
Examiner's Office. A young lady had been brutally stabbed over her whole
body. I found a defense wound on her hand where she had raised her hand in
an attempt to protect her face from the vicious onslaught. Examination of this
wound revealed that she was stabbed in the thenar furrow in the palm of the
hand, and the knife had passed through the "Z" area exiting at the back
of the wrist exactly where it is displayed on the Shroud. X-rays of
the area revealed no evidence of broken bones.
Another feature of major
importance in this case was that the body was in rigor mortis when she was found
with the thumb fixed in rigor, in its normal location behind and to the left of
the index finger. It was not drawn into the palm. A dissection of this
area at autopsy revealed that although the median nerve had been injured,
the thumb had not been drawn into the palm as was postulated by Barbet 3
Although driving the nail
through the side of the wrist opposite to where Barbet shows it( radial
side), cannot be excluded as a possible pathway, the upper part of the
palm is the most plausible location for the following reasons;
The palm region is the location where most Christians across the centuries
perceived the wound to be.
The path through the upper palm (Z-area) is very strong and anatomically sound.
The path ends exactly where the Shroud shows the wound image.
In the ancient literature, Lipsius and other authors and painters and sculptors
related and depicted the hands that were transfixed in crucifixion.
It assures that no bones are broken in accord with Exodus 12:46 and Numbers
9:12. 6.
It could explain the apparent lengthening of the fingers of the Turin Shroud
because of nail compression at this area.
Lastly, it is where most of the stigmatists prior to Father Gino Burressi like
St. Francis of Assisi, Padre Pio, Theresa of Konnersruth, St. Catherine
of Sienna, Catherine of Ricci, Louise Lateau, Marie Esperanza, etc. throughout
the centuries have displayed their wounds.
It may be of interest to note
that Monsignor Alfonso Paleotto Archbishop of Bologna, who accompanied St.
Charles Borromeo to Turin in 1598, and who wrote the first description of the
Shroud, reasoned that the Romans did not drive the nail straight through
the palm, piercing the hand from one side to the other but was driven
through, obliquely toward the arm and emerged in the carpal area where the
Shroud depicts it. He derived this conclusion as follows; First, he
quoted Zechariah's prophecy "What are these wounds in the middle of
your hands? (Zach.13:6). And David's prediction, "They have pierced my
hands." And indicated that St. Thomas believed the wounds to be
in the middle of the hands. He then reasoned that the weight of the body
"would have torn the hand according to the experiments made by master painters
and sculptors with dead bodies intended as models to copy for their
representations" and he quoted one of the revelations of St. Bridget
where the Holy Virgin told her that "The hands of my Son were pierced in that
part where the bone was more solid." It is of interest that Barbet severely
criticized Paleotto's hypothesis as "anatomically impossible.
The medical effects of the
nailing of the hands whether it be through the Z-area or through the
radial side of the wrist, would be essentially the same. The median nerve would
be injured in either instance causing a painfully disabling affliction of the
median nerve called causalgia. Causalgia can also occur in other
peripheral nerves. The first full description of causalgia was
described in 1864 by Mitchell, Morehouse and Keene[14]
in reference to Civil War injuries. The pain in median nerve causalgia is an
unbearable, exquisite pain described as a searing, burning unrelenting pain
traversing the arms like lightning bolts. The person is unable to bear
even the gentlest local contacts. It may be aggravated by movement, jarring,
noise, a breeze or emotion. Increases in the ambient temperature or
exposure to the sun would bring on more pain. Periodic episodes of marked
sweating would also be manifested. The concomitant presence of fatigue greatly
aggravates the degree of pain. Strong narcotic pain killers proved to be
ineffective in many cases thereby requiring surgery to section the sympathetic
nerves. Victims of causalgia frequently went into shock if the pain could
not be controlled. This pain would have added significantly to the traumatic
shock that was already in process.
The act of lifting the
patibulum with Jesus' hands nailed to it in order to place it in a mortise
at the top of the stipes that was anchored in the ground, would bring on renewed
burning, and lancinating pains traversing the arms due to the pull of the
hands against the nails. The hot temperature and exposure to the sun would
increase the pain further The pain was brutal, markedly increasing the
degree of traumatic shock.
Next, the feet were nailed to
the stipes by bending the knees in order to lay the soles flat to the stipes or
one foot on top of the other and driving the spike through the feet.
Branches of the medial plantar nerves would be injured affording pains of
causalgia, similar to those of the hand described above.
For decades, one
of the major points used by the defenders of the Shroud to support authenticity
was the absence of the thumbs. The expression,, "Could a forger have imagined
this" was coined by Barbet when he postulated that the missing thumb
on the Shroud was due to injury to the median nerve by the passage of the nail
which stimulated the nerve causing the thumb to be drawn into the palm of the
hand. This phrase has been quoted numerous times in books, magazine
articles, lectures etc. It has become a "Shroud spin".
Unfortunately, this is incorrect and invoking "Occams razor", we
find a simple explanation that separates fact from fiction. The reason
as to why the thumbs are not visible on the Shroud image is simply because
their natural position both in death and in the living person is in the front of
and slightly to the side of the index finger. This is
readily demonstrated by extending your arms in front of you with your hands in a
relaxed position and note that the thumbs are below the index finger. Cross your
wrists and note that your thumbs are hidden behind the index fingers. I
have observed this on a daily basis in the medical examiner's office over the
past thirty years on deceased individuals who are regularly brought into our
morgue wrapped in shrouds or sheets with their wrists crossed and frequently
tied together. The shrouds or sheets never contact the thumbs. In
every case, the thumbs are in a position in front of and slightly to the side of
the index fingers. The shrouds or sheets never contact the thumbs.
Barbet's explanation has to be incorrect for two reasons; the median nerve
does not pass through Destot's space and even if it did and was injured,
there would be no flexion of the thumb. Dr. Ernest Lampe, one of world's leading
hand surgeons relates that in severance of the median nerve...... "there is
inability to flex the thumb, index and middle fingers". This was
confirmed in the case of lady described above who was stabbed in the
Z-area of the hand while defending herself. Although the median nerve
was injured and the knife exited in the exact place where the Shroud shows
the hand wound image, the thumb was not drawn into the palm.
Barbet postulated that
the cause of death was due to asphyxiation during suspension on the cross and
what appeared to be a cogent analysis was in fact based only on a priori
speculations. He proffered three points that he thought evinced proof of
his hypothesis;
first, the reports
of soldiers in the Austro-German army by LeBec[15][16]
in 1925 and Hynek[17]
in 1936 who indicated that they were punished by hanging them
above their heads by their arms with their feet just off the ground. They had
extreme difficulty breathing out and would raise themselves to breathe
repeatedly until exhaustion set in. They developed severe muscle
contractions and spasm and died violently of asphyxiation. Barbet, also added
another case from a Dachau victim who was punished in a similar way. Dr.
the Austrian radiologist, also attempted to confirm the asphyxiation theory by
suspending medical students by the wrists with their hands above their head less
than 40 inches apart on a horizontal bar. He reported that orthostatic collapse
occurred in the students within six minutes. His experiments merely
confirmed that asphyxiation could occurs if a person is suspended by the hands
directly above their head within 40 inches from each other. Moreover, Jesus was
suspended on the cross for several hours not 10 minutes. There is no doubt that
if Jesus was suspended with his hands in the same manner, there would be
difficulty breathing but not if the victim is suspended with his arms at an
angle of between 65 to 70 degrees.
second point
that Barbet's used in an attempt to prove his hypothesis was that the hand wound
image revealed an apparent double flow of blood with an angle of 5 degrees. He
alleged that this demonstrated that the air is locked in inspiration requiring
the man on the Shroud to raise himself in order to breathe therefore, causing a
change in the angle of blood flow emanating from the wound on the wrist. When we
tested for this change in angle during our suspension experiments noted below,
we found that there was absolutely, no change in the angle of the wrists
when our volunteers raised themselves up in the manner described by Barbet. The
arms always bent at the elbows The problem with Barbet's assumption is that the
so called bifurcated pattern is located on the back of the hand and not on the
front. The back of the hand is nailed firmly against the patibulum of the
cross and the hand and wrist are heavily endowed with vast networks of blood
vessels being constantly fed by major blood vessels (the radial artery and vein
and the ulnar artery and vein) anastomosing with each other from both sides of
the hand. The beating heart would be constantly extruding blood through the
wound. This would create a large blood smudge all over the hand, wrist and
down the arm. Every movement on the cross would result in episodes of oozing and
over several hours there would be a substantial blood collection and not a
perfect bifurcation pattern with two individual flows. The
and last point to support his
hypothesis was the evidence of skelekopia or crufragium inflicted on the two
thieves that Barbet claimed was performed to prevent the victims from
raising themselves in order to breathe. This speculation by Barbet was
incorrect. First of all, there is evidence by Haas[19],
from the Giv’at ha Mivtar Excavation that the tibia and fibula bones of the
crucified 7 A.D. Jew, had been broken yet their reconstruction of the position
on the cross placed the body in a maximal, lifted position where the arms are
parallel to the patibulum. Zias and Sekeles[20]
disagree with Haas' interpretation because they say the breaks are at different
angles and believe they must have occurred after death. This, however, is
incorrect from a forensic point of view, because there may have been more than
one blow struck at different angles. The ritual of crurifragium was to
render the coup
de grace blow
performed at a time when the victim was near death to hasten death by causing
severe traumatic shock. Moreover, fractures of the bones of the lower
extremities may also cause death by fat embolism. According to some
authors, the crurifragium was also performed to prevent the victim from crawling
away following removal from the cross so that wild animals could devour them.
I present the following
sobering query in a nut shell for anyone to contemplate whether the crucarius,
Jesus would be physically able to raise himself to breathe for a period of
several hours while suspended on the cross as proposed by Barbet.
Could a person in a state of
traumatic and hypovolemic shock who had undergone severe anxiety to a point of
hematidrosis, had been brutally scourged with a flagrum, suffered trigeminal
neuralgia from the crowning with thorns, stumbled and fell for a half mile
carrying a 50 pound cross part of the way, then nailed through the hands and
feet with large spike-like nails and suspended on a cross be able to repeatedly
push and pull themselves up against the spike-like nails in their swollen,
exquisitely tender hands and feet in order to breathe over a period of several
hours? I
don't think so!
Although the refutations of
each of Barbet's hypotheses proffered above should impugn Barbet's asphyxiation
hypothesis, some may view them as another a priori argument. Therefore,
an a posteriori approach was designed to clear this controversy up once
and for all since there had been no attempt, past or present to
confirm or disprove Barbet's work, experimentally. In this regard, a very
sturdy cross was constructed with the stipes measuring 92" high, the patibulum
measuring 78" long and the base secured with reinforced angle iron. A series of
numbered holes were drilled through each arm of the patibulum at close intervals
to allow for different arm lengths. This was necessary because the longer
the arm length the closer to vertical the individual would hang if a single hole
was provided for all arm lengths. Each hole was drilled in a slightly
downward direction from front to back so that bolts could be inserted from back
to front in an upward direction to avoid slippage by special leather gauntlets
used to secure the hands to the patibulum without constricting the wrists and
compromising the blood supply. An opening was provided at the level of the base
of the middle fingers so they could be placed over the bolt that corresponded to
the arm length of the volunteer. Human volunteers between the ages of 20
and 35 were given a physical examination and resting values were obtained which
included, a 12 lead electrocardiogram, pulse rates, blood pressure, auscultatory
examination, vital capacity, ear oximetry values, arterial blood gases, and
venous blood chemistries. A gauntlet was firmly tied on each hand and heart
monitoring electrodes were placed on their chests and attached to a stress
testing apparatus 'which monitored the electrical patterns of the heart,
monitored the heart rate with digital readouts, and provided electrocardiogram
strips automatically, each minute. A blood pressure cuff with double
transducers was placed on the arm and attached to an Infrasonde electronic blood
pressure unit and a Waters ear oximeter probe was attached to an ear and
connected to an instrument that records the oxygen concentration of the blood at
all times. Each volunteer was instructed to inform us of any breathing
difficulties, pains of any kinds, muscle cramps, or any other problems.
They were also requested not to attempt to lift their body up at any time by
straightening their legs. Each volunteer climbed up on a stool, placed
their outstretched arms along the patibulum to line up the holes in the
gauntlets with the respective holes on the patibulum corresponding to their arm
length and bolts were inserted into the appropriate holes through the back of
the patibulum then through the holes in the gauntlets. The table was
carefully removed allowing the volunteer to be fully suspended. A modified
seat belt was then utilized to secure the feet flush to the upright of the
cross. An emergency crash cart complete with a defibrillator, cardiac
medications and intubation equipment was on hand to provide for the patients
safety. Individuals were stationed to the right and left of the volunteers
in case of an emergency. During the period of suspension, the following
information was tabulated: visual inspection was made for muscle twitching,
chest excursions, color, sweating, etc., and subjective information including
pain, breathing problems psychological feelings, etc. were also recorded.
A heart-lung evaluation was performed that included an auscultatory examination
of the heart and lungs, periodic drawing of arterial blood for gas
analyses, ear oximeter readings, vital capacity, 12 lead electrocardiograms and
specific leads, blood pressures, periodic blood chemistry screening including a
routine chemistry screen, CPK with isoenzymes, lactic acid, etc. Douglas
bag collections of the inspired and expired air were taken at various intervals.
An experiment was performed
on several of the volunteers who were requested to push themselves up with their
feet as was indicated in Barbet's Asphyxiation Theory, in order to observe the
angle of the wrist in both positions.Ten volunteers were studied by the above
procedures but without strapping their feet to the cross with the seat belt
device and compared to those whose feet were supported by the seat belt in order
to determine if the feet support had any effect on breathing and whether the
pains in the arms and shoulders were increased.
The results of these studies
are as follows; The volunteers were suspended for periods ranging from 5
minutes to 45 minutes determined by when they wished to come down.
The major reasons for this decision was almost always due to the pain or
cramping in the shoulders, hands and legs. The angle of the arms with the
upright varied between individuals with a wide range from 60 to 70 degrees.
There was no visual evidence of breathing difficulties throughout the suspension
on any of the volunteers. Subjectively, every volunteer affirmed that they
had absolutely no trouble breathing either during inspiration or expiration.
A common complaint was a feeling of chest rigidity and leg cramps between 10 and
20 minutes into suspension. When this occurred, they were allowed to straighten
their legs or come down. The oxygen content of the blood either increased or
remained constant. Both visual observations and Douglas bag studies determined
this to be the result of hyperventilation with abdominal breathing beginning
after 4 minutes at a rate about 3-5 times normal. Sweating that varied in amount
from mild to marked occurred at about 6 minutes in most volunteers. The heart
rate increased up to 120-126 beats per minute but there were no arrhythmias.
There were occasional rapid rates as high as 175 but this went back down after
the volunteer got over their initial anxiety. The blood pressure increased
to varying degrees but never above 160 mm, systolic in
everyone depending on their state of conditioning. The electrocardiogram
only showed muscle tremors but no cardiac abnormalities. The backs of the
volunteers never touched the cross except in the shoulder region where it was
slight. Pain in the shoulders caused many of them to arch their bodies
back so that the top of the head touched the stipes thereby relieving some of
the pain. None of the volunteers made any attempt to push themselves up
to facilitate breathing as was alleged by Tribbe[21]
except in the experiment when they were requested to do so.
In the experiment where the
volunteers were requested to raise themselves up to breathe, at no time
did the wrists change their angle. Instead, the arms naturally flexed at
the elbows. The volunteers that were suspended without securing their feet had
no difficulty breathing and afforded identical clinical values as those who had
their feet secured. The only difference was that the pain was
severe in the shoulders and arms and some had difficulty getting relief of their
shoulder pains because of the difficulty in arching their backs as was done by
those who had their feet secured. As a result their times of suspension
varied from 8 to 18 minutes.
In order to arrive at the
most probable cause of death, it is essential to examine the sequence of all the
events from Gethsemane through Calvary; the severe mental anguish exhibited in
the Garden of Gethsemane would cause some loss in blood volume both from
sweating and hematidrosis and provoke marked weakness. The barbaric
scourging that utilized a flagrum composed of leather tails containing metal
weights or bone at the tip would cause penetration of the skin with
trauma to the nerves, muscles and skin reducing the victim to an exhausted,
wretched condition with shivering, severe sweating, frequent displays of
seizures, and a craving for water. The results would cause a significant
degree of trauma with impending shock (traumatic shock) and fluid loss and
impending hypovolemic shock (fluid loss shock), the latter resulting from the
various sweating episodes, and from the fluid accumulation around the lungs
(pleural effusion) from the scourging. Animal experimentation by Daniels
and Cate[22]
showed that blows to the chest in animals resulted in rupture of the air spaces
in the lung (alveoli) and spasms of the air tubes (bronchi). Moreover the
term "traumatic wet lung" refers to the accumulation of blood, fluid and mucus
from severe trauma (injury) to the chest. This would be manifested several hours
after the scourging. It may be of interest that the conclusion of
traumatic shock from scourging, was also made by both Tenney[23]
and Primrose[24].
The irritation of the trigeminal and greater occipital nerves of the scalp by
the cap of thorns especially after he was struck several times with reeds would
also contribute to traumatic shock. The bumpy, uphill road to Golgotha in
the hot sun, would incite trigger zones to initiate episodes of severe
lancinating pain across the face due to trigeminal neuralgia and the
carrying of the crosspiece on the shoulder for a time, with episodes of falling,
also added to the oncoming traumatic shock and hypovolemia. The
progression of the pleural effusion due to the scourging would lead to
increasing hypovolemia. The large square iron nails driven through both
hands into the patibulum would damage the sensory branches of the median nerve
resulting in one of the most exquisite pains ever experienced by anyone and
known medically as causalgia. The nails through the feet would also
elicit severe pain due to causalgia from the injury to the plantar nerves. The
causalgia would be aggravated by the sun, heat and fatigue. all of which would
cause additional traumatic shock and hypovolemia. The hours on the cross,
with pressure of the weight of the body on the nails of the feet and the pull on
the hands would cause episodes of excruciating agony every time the
cruciarius moved. These episodes of unrelenting pains added to the
pains of the chest wall from the scourging would greatly increase the state of
traumatic shock and the excessive sweating induced by the ongoing trauma and by
the hot sun, would cause a increase in the degree of hypovolemic shock.
The pathophysiological events
that occur as a result of these events leading to death are those of traumatic
and hypovolemic shock. Shock, regardless of its cause is defined " ... as
a constellation of syndromes all characterized by low perfusion and circulatory
insufficiency, leading to an imbalance between the metabolic needs of vital
organs and the available blood flow." It is ".. a state of inadequate perfusion
of all cells and tissues, which at first leads to reversible hypoxic injury, but
if sufficiently protracted or grave, to irreversible cell and organ injury and
sometimes to the death of the patient ".[25]
This presents a very complex array of initiating factors, compensatory reactions
and several other interrelationships.[26],
A series of experiments were
conducted on volunteers suspended on a very accurate cross utilizing
sophisticated techniques to determine whether asphyxiation was the cause
of death during crucifixion as propounded by Barbet3, LeBec14,
and Hynek,15. The results of these studies
overwhelmingly disprove the asphyxiation theory. In order to gain
a more precise understanding of crucifixion and its manifestations on the
Shroud, and to determine the cause of death by crucifixion, each phase of the
journey was meticulously analyzed including the hematidrosis, the scourging, the
crowning of thorns, the trip to Calvary, the fixation to the cross, the raising
of the cross, and the suspension on the cross. This included the
loss in blood and fluid volume during the severe anxiety and hematidrosis in
Gethsemane, the severe trauma, excess sweating and onset of pleural effusion
inflicted by the brutal scourging, the trigeminal neuralgia, and loss of
fluid from sweating caused by the crowning with thorns, the trauma and the
loss of fluid as a consequence of sweating from carrying the cross,
falling during the trek to Calvary, the severe trauma and the loss
in blood and fluid from fixation of the hands and feet and raising the cross,
and the severe trauma and fluid loss during the suspension. The reconstruction
of all of these factors revealed the cause of death in crucifixion to be
due to traumatic and hypovolemic shock.
Other information determined
during these studies include the following;
a.) Barbet erred in
that Destot's space does not conform to the hand image on the
Shroud of Turin because the image is on the radial (thumb) side of the wrist
while Destot's space is on the u1nar (little finger) side of the wrist.
b.) The trunk of the median
nerve could not be severed if a nail passed through Destot's space because the
median nerve is not present in the area of Destot's space. It runs along the
opposite side ( radial ) of the wrist.
c.) Since the Shroud only
shows the site of the nail's exit and not where the nail entered., only two
possibilities exist as to where the nail entered: either through the
radial side of the wrist or through the upper part of the palm angled toward the
wrist (the Z-area).
d.) The most plausible region
for the nail entry site in the case of Jesus is the upper part of the palm since
this area can easily support the weight of the body, the nail would exit where
the Shroud depicts it, assures that no bones are broken, marks the
location where most people believed it to be, accounts for where most of the
stigmatists have displayed their wounds, is located where artists through the
centuries have designated it and lastly it explains the apparent lengthening of
the fingers of the hand because of nail compression. e.) The thumbs are missing
from the Shroud image because the natural position both in death and in the
living person is in front of and slightly to the side of the index finger and
not due to injury to the median nerve by the passage of the nail as indicated by
Barbet. Injury to the median nerve would not cause permanent flexion
(bending of thumb into palm) and, Barbet was obviously striking the ulnar nerve
and not the median nerve when he drove a nail through Destot's
space on the amputated
- 1.
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